You Need These 4 Skills To Successfully Work As A Consultant

I have been working in the industry for 11 years now, most of it self-employed. I learned a thing or two so let me share some observations.

Hannes Grauweihler
9 min readJun 10, 2022
Getting up early to catch a flight to the client — Consultant life [image by author]

Thankfully, the old days, when clients (at least in Germany) would expect you to be on their premises four days out of five are over. No more early Monday morning flights and late nights back on Thursday. When I quit my first consulting gig at one of the largest and most prestigious companies, I felt my quality of life improve a lot.

Today, you can typically work remotely, but not on every mandate. The good news is that there are enough mandates around to only work remotely. That makes consulting attractive for people like us, writing on medium, having something to share and then selling that advice.

Consulting is a people’s business. I would liken it more to a kindergarten teacher than a rocket scientist. Therefore, I assume anyone working with humans can benefit from the advice below.

I have seen many articles on this platform about side-hustling into consulting. Don’t forget that anybody can call himself a consultant. The term is not protected in any way. Let me define what we are talking about: Strategy consulting for companies. The…



Hannes Grauweihler

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.